1. 第四届材料、机械工程与自动化技术国际学术会议(MMEAT2018)将在南昌航空大学国际交流中心(南昌卧龙港宾馆)举行。
2. 组委会已经与该酒店谈妥住宿优惠价,具体信息以及预定方式附后。
3. 请务必在2018年5月10日前预订。
地址:南昌市红谷滩丰和南大道696号 ,近南昌西站
*标准双间,248元/天 (两个床位、Interenet网、两份早餐)
请务必在2018年5月10日前发送预订回执(点击下载)至 组委会指定邮箱 ICMMEAT@163.COM ,否则无法保证住宿安排。
(A)Conference Venue
MMEAT2018 will take place at the Nanchang Hangkong University International Academic Exchange Center(Wolonggang Hotel)
Website: Click
Hotel Address: No.696 Fenghe South Avenue Honggutan CBD (City Hall) Nanchang 330000 China | 1.99km from Metro Station:Lingbei
Hotel Number:+86-871-65526868
* Airport::31.9km;42min;
* Nanchang West Railway Station:9km;20min;
* Nanchang Railway Station:13km;31min;
* Downtown:7.1km;19min;
For non-Chinese Attendees, "Bring me to hotel" card is available. You can show it to the taxi drivers and they will take you to the hotel.
Download the card

(B) Hotel Reservation
Please find below hotel with special rate for the conference:Wolonggang Hotel.
*Standard double room: RMB 248/night(about USD40/night) [Two beds, Internet and two breakfast included ]
All reservation with special rate should be done by the Committee of ICAMTT 2018. Please sent us booking receipt to the Email Address ICMMEAT@163.COM before May 10,2018 if you want to reserve the room.
Hotel Reservation Form(download)