07/02/2018 News! Welcome Dr. Han Liu from National University of Defense Technology, China to be committee member! new
07/02/2018 News! Welcome Prof. Xiaofeng Li from Heilongjiang International University, China to be committee member! new
07/02/2018 News! Welcome Prof. Guobao Xiao from Minjiang University, China to be committee member! new
07/02/2018 News! Welcome Dr. Aiguo Wang from Foshan University, China to be committee member! new
07/02/2018 News! Welcome Prof. David BASSIR from University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France to be committee co-chairman! new
07/02/2018 News! Welcome Patrice Salzenstein from CNRS - FEMTO-ST Micro Nano Science & Systems department, France to be committee co-chairman! new
07/02/2018 News! The frist round of calling for papers starts today and will end on July 12, 2019. new
07/02/2018 News! MCTE 2019 conference calls for paper now!| MCTE 2019现正征稿中! new
07/02/2018 News! Welcome Dr. Zhe Zhu from Duke University to be committee member! new
07/02/2018 News! Welcome Prof. Jian Wang from Suzhou University of Science and Technology to be committee member! new