(A)Conference Venue
IFECE2018 will take place at the Academic Exchang Center Guangzhou University.
Website: http://www.gzuhotel.com/english/intro.asp
Hotel Address: No.23 Guihualu,Giefang Bei Lu,Guangzhou,P.R.China Post:510000
* Airport: 38 km; 40 min;
* Eastern Railway Station: 1km; 6 min;
* Guangzhou Railways Station:10km;20min;
* City Center: 5 km; 10 min;
Baiyun Mountain,
Dongfeng Park,
Guangzhou Zoo,
Tianhe Waterfall.
(B) Hotel Reservation
Please find below hotel with special rate for the conference: Academic Exchang Center Guangzhou University.
Deluxe Single Room:350RMB/ 55USD【one bed, Internet and two breakfast included】
Double Room:300RMB/50USD【Two beds, Internet and two breakfast included】
Deluxe Suite Room(Single):420RMB/65USD【one bed, Internet and two breakfast included】
Deluxe Suite Room(Double):420RMB/65USD【Two beds, Internet and two breakfast included】
All reservation with special rate should be done by the Committee of IFECE2018.
Please sent us booking receipt to th Email Address IFECE2018@163.com before May 1,2018 if you want to reserve the room.Listener-Registration_Form(download)
1. 2018年环境与建筑工程国际学术论坛 (IFECE2018)将在广州大学学术交流中心举行。
2. 组委会已经与该酒店谈妥住宿优惠价,具体信息以及预定方式附后。
3. 请务必在5月1日前预订。
豪华单间,350元/天 (一个床位、Interenet网、一份早餐)
标准双间,300元/天 (两个床位、Interenet网、两份早餐)
豪华单人套房,420元/天 (一个床位、Interenet网、两份早餐)
豪华双人套房,420元/天 (两个床位、Interenet网、两份早餐)
请务必在5月1日前发送参会回执表(点击下载)至 组委会指定邮箱 IFECE2018@163.com ,否则无法保证住宿安排。
广州大学学术交流中心 (http://gzuhotel.com/)