Tsinghua University President Luming Li Visited CenBRAIN Neurotech
English Version Below.

President Luming Li, President Yigong Shi and Chair Professor Mohamad Sawan at CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence.
10月17日,西湖大学先进神经芯片中心有幸迎来清华大学校长李路明教授一行来访。浙江清华长三角研究院党委书记黄开胜教授、清华大学研究生院院长梁琼麟教授、清华大学科研院院长刘奕群教授等多位知名学者随团访问。在西湖大学施一公校长与先进神经芯片中心Mohamad Sawan讲席教授的陪同下,李路明校长一行深入了解了西湖大学先进神经芯片中心的科研成果、技术创新及未来发展规划,双方就神经科学、芯片技术等领域的前沿研究与实践应用展开了深入探讨。On October 17th, we were honored at CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence to host a special delegation led by Professor Luming Li, President of Tsinghua University, along with Professor Kaisheng Huang, Dean of Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University Zhejiang, Professor Qionglin Liang, Dean of Graduate School of Tsinghua University, Professor Yiqun Liu, Director of the Office for Research of Tsinghua University and other eminent scholars. Accompanied by Professor Yigong Shi, President of Westlake University. Chair Professor Mohamad Sawan, Founding Director of CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence and members of our group guided the delegation on a tour of laboratories. Prof. Mohamad Sawan summarized to President Luming Li our achieved system-on-chip devices and representative patents awarded to our members.Sawan教授介绍了本中心在微电子与微系统领域的创新研究,汇报了脑机接口(BCI)和光声成像的最新工作进展。随后,本中心成员向来宾展示了我们在其他领域的多个研究项目,包括应用于癫痫和成瘾的闭环调制器、神经细胞操纵以及基于微流控芯片的类器官培养。Prof. Sawan presented the center's innovations in microelectronics and microsystems, emphasizing advancements in brain-computer interfaces (BCI) and photoacoustic imaging. Several members of our centers showcased recent projects in our different Lab rooms, focusing on closed-loop modulators for epilepsy and addictions, neural cells manipulation, organoids culture based on microfluidic chips.Prof. Sawan and our members showcased research contributions to the guests.作为代表团访问西湖大学的第一站,西湖大学先进神经芯片中心十分珍视这次与顶尖科学家的交流机会。这次访问不仅加深了西湖大学先进神经芯片中心与来访代表团之间的友谊与合作,也为我们在生物医学工程与脑神经科学等跨学科研究注入了全新活力。As the first stop of the delegation's visit to Westlake University, CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence treasures this valuable opportunity. The visiting delegation engaged in a lively discussion and exchanged views on the exciting field of interdisciplinary research at the intersection of biomedical engineering and brain neuroscience.西湖大学先进神经芯片中心
CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence
先进神经芯片中心由西湖大学讲席教授Mohamad Sawan成立。我们致力开发医疗设备的智能传感器和执行器,旨在理解神经退行性疾病的致病机理并为广大患者提供可行的解决方案。CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence was founded by Mohamad Sawan, Chair Professor in Westlake University to lead research activities intended to design and implement smart medical devices such as sensors and actuators focusing on understanding and introducing solutions to neurodegenerative diseases.Website|https://cenbrain.westlake.edu.cnBilibili | 西湖大学CenBRAIN
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