University: Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering Centre,Nottingham Trent University
Brief introduction of research:
Ø As a backbone member involved in developingan open-source Pregel-like distributed graph processing system, termed BC-BSP,to offer a flexible and scalable solution for China Mobile Research Instituteto analyze large social networks (DASFAA'13, DASFAA Workshop'13, BigData'13 ).
Ø Proposedan online distributed graph partitioning algorithm based on a directional edge exchangemodel to efficiently support iterative computations, by utilizing the localitynaturally provided by the raw graph data (Chinese Journal of Computers 2015).
Ø Designedand implemented a prototype system for I/O-Efficient distributed and iterativegraph computations, which achieves as much as 35x speedup over state-of-the-artframeworks, such as Giraph (https://github.com/HybridGraph/HybridGraph.git, ACMSIGMOD'16).