Country/Region: Iran
University: Iran University of Science and Technology
Brief introduction of research:
Professor Kaveh is the fellow of the following academies:
Iranian Academy of Sciences, World Academy of Sciences, European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
He is the author of 550 paper published in International journal and 155 papers presented in conferences. He is the author of 23 national books and 7 international books. He has received many national medals and prizes. He is the editor-in-chief of two journals: 1. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 2. International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering.
1. Graph theory and its generalization for structural mechanics:
Kaveh has extensively applied graph theory to conceptual analysis of structures with particular attention to combinatorial properties of structures.
2. Force method of structural analysis:
The main development of this method is due to Kaveh. Two of his books cover these developments.
3. Sparse matrix technology for efficient structural analysis:
Many new approaches are developed by Kaveh for bandwidth, profile and fronwidth reduction of sparse matrices.
4. Configuration processing:
Graph theory, set theoretical methods, and graph product methods are developed by Kaveh for configuration processing of space structures and finite element models.
5. Conditioning of structural matrices:
Suitable statical basis and kinematical basis are developed for improving the conditioning of flexibility (mesh) and stiffness (node) matrices of structures by Kaveh.
6. Decomposition of large-scale models:
Graph and algebraic methods are developed by Kaveh for suitable decomposition of structural and finite element models suitable for parallel computing.
7. Optimal analysis of structures:
Optimal analysis originally defined and developed by Kaveh leading to sparse, well structured and well conditioned structural and graph matrices. A book is published with this title for the first time.
8. Canonical forms of linear algenra and applications in structural mechanics:
Canonical methods are developed by Kaveh and students for eigensolution of special block matrices involved in structural mechanics.
9. Graph products and their extensions and applications:
Graph products are utilized in characterization of regular graphs and eigensolution of regular graph and structural matrices by Kaveh and his students. Some of these products are generalized for configuration processing of complex finite element models.
10. Symmetric and regular structures:
Concepts of symmetry and regularity are developed and utilized in swift analysis of structures and finite difference models by Kaveh and his students. A book is written with this title.
11. Finite element force method
Many elements are developed by Kaveh and his students for analysis of continuums by the finite element force methods.
12. Optimal design of structures using novel meta-heuristic algorithms:
Many new meta-heuristic algorithms are developed by Kaveh and his research students. Examples are Charged System Search, Magnetic Charged System Search, Democratic PSO, Ray Optimization, Dolphin Optimization, Colliding Bodies Optimization, Enhances Colliding Bodies Optimization, Tug of War Optimization method, Water Evaporation Optimization WEO. These algorithms are used for different optimization problems. Two books are written based on some of these algorithms.
13. Plastic design of frame structures:
Mathematical programming methods and meta-heuristic algorithms are applied to plastic analysis and design of frame structures.
14. Multi-objective optimization and seismic design of structures:
Methods are developed and applied to seismic design of frame structures.
15. Optimal analysis for optimal design:
To make the optimal design of large-scale problems feasible, optimal analyses are incorporated to optimal design of structures by Kaveh and his students.