Welcome Prof. Ebrahim Babaei ​from University of Tabriz, Iran to be Committee Member! 

日期:06/03/2019 点击量:  427次

Prof. Ebrahim Babaei, University of Tabriz,Iran

Research Area:

Analysis, modelling, design, and Control of Power Electronic Converters (dc/dc; dc/ac; ac/ac; ac/dc; Matrix Converters; Multilevel Inverters; Z-Source Inverters; Resonance Converters; …), Power System Transients

Research Experience:

Journal's Editorial Board Membership
1  Journal of Electrical Engineering, University of Tabriz  Editorial Board Member  Iran  18-Oct-2011  present
2  Journal of Electrical Engineering, University of Tabriz  Editor-in-Chief  Iran  18-May-2013  present
3  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics  Associate Editor  USA  15-Mar-2015  present
4Corresponding Guest Editor of special issue on “Recent Advances in Multilevel Inverters and their Applications” in
the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Corresponding Guest Editor  USA  2015  2016
5  Journal of Energy and Power Engineering  Editor  USA  19-Aug-2016  present
6Corresponding Guest Editor of special issue on “Z-Source Converters: Topologies, Modulation Techniques, and Applications” in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Corresponding Guest Editor  USA  2017  present
7  IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics  Associate Editor  USA  March 2017  present
8International Journal of Industrial Electronics, Control and Optimization Editorial Board Member  Iran  30-Dec-2017  present

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