日期:05/24/2019 点击量: 317次
Dr.Madhu Palati
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore
Research Area:
Pulsed Electric Fields, Power Systems
Research Experience:
Presented 12 Research papers in National/International conferences and 19 research papers in International journals
Worked as a Principal Investigator for the sponsored project funded by the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Mumbai, of fund Rs 16 Lakhs, project titled “Modelling and System Improvements for a Fast Rise Time Marx Generator”.
Submitted Project proposals to different funding agencies in the area of Covered conductors, Solar grid-tie inverter with Anti islanding, Pulsed Electric fields, Polymeric Insulators under the contamination conditions, DC accelerator
Reviewer for the Journals Electric Power Components and Systems- Taylor and Francis Publisher and Open Science Journal , Scientia Iranica, IEEE sponsored conferences - ICEECCOT-2018 and ICATIECE-2018