日期:01/04/2019 点击量: 529次
Prof. Chei-Chang Chiou, Department of Accounting, National Changhua University of Education
Skills / Abilities: Educational Technology, Education, Business, Accounting, Management
Membership/Fellowship of professional societies:
Technical Program Committee,4th Annual International Conference on Social Science,December 15th-17th, 2017.
Session Chair 2017 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (2017 ICEPS). August 2-4, 2017 at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Session Chair IAM 2014 International Conference on Innovation and Management in Bangkok, Thailand, 20-23 January 2014.
Session Chair, 2011 Hawaii International Conference of Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 4-7, 2011.
International Program Committee Member, 2010 the 2nd KES International Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies, July 28-30, 2010.
A member of editorial board, Frontiers of International Accounting (2012)。
A member of editorial board, Journal of American Secondary Education (JASE)(2012-2014).
A member of editorial board, International Journal of Elementary Education (IJEE) (2012-2014).
A member of editorial advisory board, Enjoy Teaching Journal (ETJ).
An editorial board member, Review of Educational Theory.
An editorial board member, International Journal of Education(IJE).
An editorial board member, Journal of International Education and Practice (JIEP).
1. Li-Chu Tien, Chei-Chang Chiou*, & Yueh-shian Lee. 2018. Emotional design in multimedia learning: Effects of multidimensional concept maps and animation on affect and learning. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, accept. (SSCI) (2016 Impact Factor 0.903) (MOST 104-2410-H-018-018 and MOST 106-2511-S-018-014)
2. Chei-Chang Chiou, Li-Tze Lee, Li-Chu Tien, & Yu-Min Wang. 2017. Analyzing the effects of various concept mapping techniques on learning achievement under different learning styles. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(7): 3687-3708. (SSCI) (2016 Impact Factor 0.903) (Ranks 147/235 in Education & Educational Research) (NSC 101-2410-H-018-026)
3. Chei-Chang Chiou, Li-Chu Tien, & Li-Tze Lee. 2015. Effects on learning of multimedia animation combined with multidimensional concept maps. Computers & Education, 80, 211-223. (SSCI) (2015 Impact Factor 2.881)(Ranks 9th/230(4%) in Education & Educational Research) (NSC 102-2628-H-018-001) (times cited by ISI: 2)
4. Chei-Chang Chiou, Yu-Min Wang, & Li-Tze Lee. 2014. Reducing statistics anxiety and enhancing statistics learning achievement: Effectiveness of a one-minute paper strategy. Pychological Reports, 115(1), 1-14. (Leading article) (SSCI) (2012 Impact Factor 0.372) (Ranks 105/126(83%) in Psychology, Multidisciplinary) (NSC 96-2413-H-018-007)
5. Hwa-Shan Huang, Chei-Chang Chiou*, Heien-Kun Chiang, Sung-Hsi Lai, Chiun-Yen Huang, Yin-Wan Chou. 2012. “Effects of multidimensional concept maps on fourth graders' learning in a web-based computer course.” Computers & Education, 58, 863-873. (SSCI) (2012 Impact Factor 2.775)(Ranks 7th/216(3%) in Education & Educational Research) (corresponding author) (times cited by ISI: 3)
6. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2009. “Effects of concept mapping strategy on learning performance in business and economics statistics.” Teaching in Higher Education, 14(1), 55-69. (SSCI)(NSC 92-2413-H-018-010)(2012 Impact Factor 0.545)(Ranks 121/216(56%) in Education & Educational Research) (times cited by ISI: 5)
7. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2008. “The effect of concept mapping on students’ learning achievements and interests.” Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45(4), 375-387. (SSCI) (2012 Impact Factor 0.676) (Ranks 104/216(48%) in Education & Educational Research) (times cited by ISI: 16)
8. Ching-Ter Chang, Chei-Chang Chiou, Ya-Wen Yang, Shu-Chin Chang, Wanncherng Wang. 2010. “A three-echelon supply chain cooperation with quantity discounts for multiple items.” International Journal of Systems Science, 41(5), 561-573. (SCI) (2012 Impact Factor 1.305) (Ranks 26/100(26%) in Computer Science, Theory & Methods) (times cited by ISI: 2)
9. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2009. “Effects of financial holding company act on bank efficiency and productivity in Taiwan.” Neurocomputing, 72(16-18), 3490-3506. (SCI Expanded) (2012 Impact Factor 1.634) (Ranks 37/114(32%) in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence) (times cited by ISI: 1)
10. Ching-Ter Chang, Chei-Chang Chiou, Yi-Shin Liao, Shu-Chin Chang. 2008. “An exact policy for enhancing buyer-supplier linkage in supply chain system.” International Journal of Production Economics, 113(1), 470-479. (SCI Expanded) (2012 Impact Factor 2.081)(Ranks 4rd/44(9%) in Industrial Engineering) (times cited by ISI: 7)
11. Wang, Y.-S., Li, C.-R., Yeh, C.-H., Cheng, S.-T., Chiou, Chei-Chang., Tang, Y.-C., and Tang, T.-I. (2016). A Conceptual Model for Assessing Blog-based Learning System Success in the Context of Business Education. The International Journal of Management Education, 14, 379-387. (Scopus) (SCImago Journal Rank: 0.242)
12. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2015. The comparative effect of computer-assisted and paper-and-pencil concept mapping on learning motivation and achievement. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 5(9), 668-671. (NSC 101-2410-H-018-026) (EI (INSPEC, IET))
13. Chei-Chang Chiou*, Sen-Wei Wang, and Yu-Min Wang. 2012. A Study on the Relation of Corporate Governance and Pricing for Initial Public Offerings. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 72, 1645-1649.
14. Chei-Chang Chiou*, Li-Tze Lee, Yu-Qian Liu. 2012. Effect of Novak Colorful Concept Map with Digital Teaching Materials on Student Academic Achievement. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 64(9), 192-201. (Scopus)
15. Chei-Chang Chiou and Yen-Chang Chen. 2012. “Relations among learning orientation, innovation capital and firm performance: An empirical study in Taiwan’s IT/electronic industry.” International Journal of Management, 29(3), 321-331. (ABI)
16. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2012. “Effects of Colorful Concept Mapping Strategies on Students’ Statistics Anxiety: The Moderating Effect of Learning Style.” Advances in Education Research, 3, 255-260. (NSC 99-2410-H-018-011-MY2)
17. Chei-Chang Chiou and Robert K. Su. 2007. “On the Relation of Systematic Risk and Accounting Variables.” Managerial Finance, 33(8), 517-533. (FLI, ABI) (Leading article)
18. Mei-chi Chen, Sue-Ching Huang, Wen-yi Chen, and Cheu-Chon Cho. 2003. “Using Concept Mapping in Accounting Learning.” Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, Vol. XLV, no. 2, 133-143. (The best journal in business education)
19. Li-Chu Tien, Chei-Chang Chiou* and Chin-Wen Liao. 2018. Effect of Digital Materials with Combining Multimedia and Concept Maps on Cognitive Learning: A Mediating Effect of Cognitive Load. Journal of Digital Learning Technology, 10(1), 95-126.
20. Chei-Chang Chiou, Sing-Ling Tsai, and Grace J.Y. Lin. 2017. Relationship between Major Business Units, Diversification, and Operational Efficiency of Taiwan’s Financial Holding Companies: The Role of Corporate Governance. Journal of Accounting Review, 65, 115-170.
21. Chei-Chang Chiou, Yu-Min Wang, Chia-Ling Wei, and Ting Chang Chien.2011. The Effects of Innovation and Human Capital Investments on the Operating Efficiencies of Taiwan's IC Design Industry. Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, 19(2), 337-380.
22. Chei-Chang Chiou and Ching-Lu Jhuang. 2010. Association among Independent Directors (Supervisors), Corporate Information Transparency and Firm Value. Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, 18(4), 941-1001.
23. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2007. Using total quality management to improve instructional satisfaction and students’ learning achievement in a Statistics course. Journal Education and Psychology, 30(4), 57-88.
24. Chei-Chang Chiou, Yu-Ren Chan, and Li-Hsueh Kuo. 2007. The relation of mandatory set-up of independent directors and supervisor with IPOs underpricing. Journal of Accounting Review, 45, 97-134.
25. Chei-Chang Chiou, and Huey-Meei Lin. 2007. Price Fair? An Empirical Study of Cost Drivers and Operating Efficiency in Taiwan Water Corporation. Fair Trade Quarterly, 15(3), 105-150.
26. Chei-Chang Chiou, and Yue-Duan Guan. 2003. The study of application of concept mapping to advanced accounting. Journal of Education and Psychology, 26, 355-384.
27. Chei-Chang Chiou, and Re-Bin Chen. 2000. The study of application of concept mapping to accounting teaching and evaluation. The National Chengchi University Journal, 81, 37-67.
28. Chei-Chang Chiou* and Hsiu-Tzu Huang. 2006. ”A study on the association among voluntary independent director appointments, related party transactions and firm value: Agency theory vs. signaling theory.” Asian Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences, 1(3), 379-403.
29. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2008. Application of concept maps to remedial instruction and evaluation in an intermediate accounting course. Educational Journal of NHCUE, 25(1), 127-154.
30. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2006. Applying concept mapping learning strategy to business accounting: collaborative or individual. Kaohsiung Normal University Journal, 21, 87-104.
31. Chei-Chang Chiou, Hwa-Shan Huang, and Jia-Hwei Hsieh. 2004. Applying hypermedia assisted concept maps to construct accounting inventory teaching material. Journal of National Taipei Teachers College, 17(2), 57-84.
32. Chei-Chang Chiou*, Hwa-Shan Huang, Heien-Kun Chiang, Sung-Hsi Lai, Chiun-Yen Huang, and Yin-Wan Chou. 2011. “Effects of Multidimensional Concept Maps Web-based Courseware on Fourth Graders’ Learning of Computer Program.” 2011 Hawaii International Conference of Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
33. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2011. “The Effects of Concept Mapping Strategy on Statistics Anxiety and Statistics Achievements: The Moderating Effect of Students' Learning Styles.” 2011 Hawaii International Conference of Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
34. Chei-Chang Chiou*, Li-Tze Lee. 2011. “Utilizing balanced scorecard to design instructional objectives and enhance student learning performance/satisfaction.” 2011 International Conference on Management Learning and Business Technology Education, Kaohsung City, Taiwan.
35. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2011. “Effect of Concept Mapping on Statistics Anxiety and Statistics Achievements: The Moderating Effect of Students’ Learning Styles.” 2011 International Conference on Management Learning and Business Technology Education, Kaohsung City, Taiwan. (NSC 98-2413-H-018-016)
36. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2012. “Effects of Combining Color and Concept Mapping Strategies on Student learning Statistics.” 2012 4th International Conference on Business & Management Education, Bangkok, Thailand. (NSC 99-2410-H-018-011 –MY2)
37. Chei-Chang Chiou*, Li-Tze Lee, Yu-Qian Liu. 2012. “Effect of Novak Colorful Concept Maps with Digital Teaching Materials on Student Academic Achievement.” 2012 International Educational Technology Conferences, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
38. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2012. “Effects of Colorful Concept Mapping Strategies on Students’ Statistics Anxiety: The Moderating Effect of Learning Style.” 2012 2nd International Conference on Education and Education Management, Hong Kong, China. (NSC 99-2410-H-018-011-MY2)
39. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2013. “The effect of color enhancing concept map materials on Statistics learning.” 5th International Conference on Business & Management Education in Bangkok, Thailand, 19-22 August 2013. (NSC 99-2410-H-018-011 –MY2)
40. Yu-Min Wang and Chei-Chang Chiou. 2013. “Examining the Effect of Blog Use on Learning Outcomes in the College Course.” 5th International Conference on Business & Management Education in Bangkok, Thailand, 19-22 August 2013.
41. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2014. “The Effect of Computer‐Assisted Concept Mapping on Learning Motivation under Different Learning Styles.” IAM 2014 International Conference on Innovation and Management in Bangkok, Thailand, 20-23 January 2014. (NSC 101-2410-H-018-026)
42. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2015. “The effect of computer-assisted concept mapping on reducing statistics anxiety” The 4th International Conference On Knowledge and Education Technology in Bangkok, Thailand, 6-7 August 2015. (NSC 101-2410-H-018-026)
43. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2015. “The comparative effect of computer-assisted collaborative and individual concept mapping on reducing statistics anxiety: The role of student learning style” Workability Asia Conference 2015 in Pattaya, Thailand, 8-10 July 2015. (NSC 103-2410-H-018-026)
44. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2015. “The comparative effect of computer-assisted collaborative and individual concept mapping on self-regulated learning: The role of student learning style” The 2nd International Conference on Language Literature and Cultural Studies -2nd ICLLCS 2015 in Pattaya, Thailand, 20-21 August 2015. (NSC 103-2410-H-018-026)
45. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2015. “Comparing the effect of computer-assisted collaborative and individual concept mapping on improving critical thinking ability: The role of student learning style” The Second International Conference On Advances In Economics, Social Science and Human Behaviour Study - ESSHBS 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand, 28-29 August 2015. (NSC 103-2410-H-018-026) http://seekdl.org/conferences_page_papers.php?confid=211
46. Chei-Chang Chiou. 2015. “The comparative effect of multimedia technology combined with concept maps and traditional concept maps on learning well-being” International Conference On Higher Education Research - ICHER 2015 in Shanghai, China, 18-20 September 2015. (MOST 104-2410-H-018-018-)
47. Chei-Chang Chiou & Yu-Min Wang. 2016. The Comparative Effect of Computer-Assisted Collaborative and Individual Concept Mapping on Enhancing Business Statistics Learning Achievement: The Role of Students’ Cognitive Style. 5th International Conference on Business Strategy and Social Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand. (MOST 103-2410-H-018-026)
48. Chei-Chang Chiou & Yu-Min Wang. 2016. An innovative method based on the integration of the computer-based concept mapping and collaborative techniques and cognitive styles to improve learning motivation. 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Public Health, Banhkok, Thailand. (MOST 104-2410-H-018-018-)
49. Chei-Chang Chiou & Kai-Jung Chen. 2017. Using multimedia technology and concept maps to reduce cognitive load: The role of cognitive style. International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (2017 ICEPS). August 2-4, 2017 at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. (MOST 104-2410-H-018 -018)
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