日期:06/10/2019 点击量: 344次
Dr. Khairul Anwar Bin Mohamad Khazali
Institute of Engineering Mathematics, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia
Research Area:
Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics
Research Experience:
physics : An outstanding problem in Variational Monte
Carlo (VMC) calculations with realistic interactions like Argonne V18 and
Urbana IX three-body interactions is that p-shell nuclei turn out to be grossly
under bound as compared to the Green’s Function Monte Carlo (GFMC)
calculations. A similar situation exists in Diffusion Monte Carlo calculations
with somewhat simplified interactions. In particular 6Li is unstable
against the breakup into an alpha particle and a deuteron within the VMC
framework. As a result the VMC calculations can not be used with confidence in
hypernuclei. Hitherto all the calculations in hypernuclei have been performed
with very simple interactions. In this contribution, we make an attempt to
improve upon the VMC calculations by bringing about several variations in the
established procedure of performing variational calculations. We introduce and
implement the following three variations. These are: (1) After making an error
analysis of the radial part of the variational wave function we make a
correction through expanding the radial part in terms of a complete set and
treat the expansion coefficients as variational parameters . (2) We then variationally distinguish between
the various components of the two-body Jastrow and operatorial correlations
which are operated upon by three-body and spin-orbit correlations , and
finally, (3) we also variationally distinguish between the operatorial
correlations at the different levels of cluster expansion. This is based on the
observation that the correlation links in the expansion of the wave function in
terms of the central, spin, isospin, tensor and tensor isospin correlations are
variationally different at different number of these links. We also augment these
correlations with similar but variationally different auxiliary terms at two or
more correlation links. This is a major departure for earlier studies. Our
preliminary results for 3H and 4He demonstrate the
usefulness of this generalization. With AV18 and UIX, we find that the 3H
energy becomes -8.441(1) MeV from -8.38(1). Compared to exact result of the
momentum space Faddeev (-8.474 MeV) or GFMC (-8.46(1) MeV) calculations it is
marginally higher.