日期:12/05/2018 点击量: 379次
Dr.Haiping Wang,School of Insurance,Shandong University of Finance and Economics,China
Research Area:Online consumers psychology and behavior, insurance marketing
Research Experience:
Academic background:
1. 2005-2009, Ph.D. in Business Management (Direction: Marketing), Shandong University
2. 2015-2017, Visiting scholar in college of business, Florida State University, majoring in risk management and insurance.
Present academic position:
1. Associate professor, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, School of Insurance
2. Executive member of the council, Shandong Market Association
1. Book: “Research on online consumer’s stickiness”, Economy and Science Press, 2010.
2. Publications: More than twenty papers were published in different core Chinese journals as well as in international conferences where papers are indexed by EI or CPCI.
3. Projects: One project supported by Youth Project in Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Education; three projects supported by Shandong provincial fund projects; in addition, many projects are researched as an important participant.